
Friday, June 10, 2011

I Get More Green Lights When I Read The Bible!

Okay, maybe not really. But life does seem to flow much easier for me when I’m in the word. My road of life seems a bit smoother with a peace and prosperity in my soul that passes all my understanding.

One of the regular readers of this blog asked the question some time ago, are these literal or metaphorical experiences? The answer is both. My job is not to convert. Only God can do that. I am simply sharing my observations, my take, my spin, (see what I did there?), on life and what makes it meaningful. I simply share what's been pressed on my heart to write.

Speaking of some time ago, although I haven’t written on this blog for several months due to deadlines on a book my wife and I were writing as well as lots of consultant work, the number of hits on this blog has continued to rise. We’re up to 3,600 viewers from 45 countries around the world.

What if someone reads this blog who isn’t a follower of Christ? Hallelujah! I hope they do! Not being a follower of Christ doesn't mean that a person can't be a follower of this blog. Since we're all made differently with our own purpose and plan, each person will have their own 'take away' from these blog pieces. To be honest, I've wrestled with this a lot since starting this blog. Toeing the line between being too preachy, too teachy, or just plain banal. I have so much to learn about this craft and how to appeal with artistry and insight to the largest number of folks in the fewest, choicest words.

One of my frequent bike rides is to the beach. There’s a mural on the side of a building depicting the resurrection scene but with modern day people from all walks of life attending. There is a reflection on a scripture reference at the bottom of the mural “For those who have not read the word this is foolishness. For those who have read the word they know it is the power of God.” . . . 1 Cor 3:18-23

That would be my challenge to anyone reading this blog. STOP READING THIS BLOG AND READ THE BIBLE EACH DAY INSTEAD! Come on . . . is there really a choice between reading my word and God's word? Seriously, read the whole Bible cover to cover. As the history and mystery of several thousand years written by 40 authors unfolds you’ll be amazed at how it all applies to your life. Issues that the children of God were dealing with 5000 years ago are still being dealt with in our world today. We don’t want to offend anyone by saying the G word, or the J word, or the C word. Think that’s new? Read about when the exiles were returning to Jerusalem.

My experience of reading the Bible cover to cover was that my life was forever changed. The timeless truth of the WORD shared directly from the Creator of the Universe. Absolutely mindblowing, heartblowing, soulblowing stuff. Make a bold commitment. Take the challenge and read it for yourself and see what your experience is. Find a Bible-based church family to join. Ask questions. Get into a small group or Bible study. You may find there are more green lights in your life!

As always I invite your comments below.

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